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Laser Welding Demo - Thursday 8th February morning session

Laser Welding Demo - Thursday 8th February morning session


Join me and the team from FreeForm Fabrication for a demo session to introduce you to the magic of the Dado Laser Welder. 


This class is aimed at experienced makers and professional jewellers who want to speed up production, work on a wider range of metals or be able to take on a greater range of repairs and alterations. 


During the workshop, their experienced instructors will cover a range of topics, including laser welding basics, advanced techniques and practices for using the DaDo laser welder. You will have a chance to work hands-on with the equipment and receive personalised instruction and guidance from our experts.


To get the best from the wokrshop and find out what a laser welder can do we encourage you to bring some of you own pieces to experiment with. The laser welder can be used on virtually any metal and as it only heats an area of 0.2mm it is safe to use along side gemstones, enamel, and other non-solderable materials. 


Find out more here

  • Details

    Date: Thursday 8th February 2024

    Time: 10.30am - 1.00pm

    Venue: Nottingham Jewellery School, 28 Block D, Hartley Business Centre, Ellesmere Crescent, Nottingham, NG5 1DX

    Tutor: Freeform Fabrication and Alys Power

    Max class size: 6

  • Class Description

    Who is this class suitable for?

    Advanced to professional jewellers who want to see the capabilities and techniques of a Dado Laser Welder

    What will I make?

    You'll work hands on with the machine experiemnting and exploring different applications and materials. The team encourage you to bring along some projects to try out such as re-tipping, ring sizing, jump & bolt ring securing, porosity repair, working around stones, chain repair or watch repairs. Bring along items in the style you like to work in and the materials you use every day to see what a laser welder can do for you. 

    What will I learn?

    You'll learn how to use the Dado laser welder in your workshop practice. You'll learn how to operate and maintain the machine, how to choose the right settings and welding wire for different applications and projects and how to prepare pieces for welding.

    What is included?

    All tools and equipment are provided.  We will have jump rings, chain, and sheet metal to complete some simple experiements and weldes. Please bring your own projects and challenges to test out how the laser works for what you do. 

  • Terms and Conditions

    If for any reason the class doesn't run you will receive a full refund.


    If you cancel your booking one month or more before the class begins you will receive a 50% refund.


    No refunds are available after this time.


    If you have specific requirements or interests let me know so they can be accommodated.

Contemporary handmade jewellery, commissions, bespoke orders, classes and workshops in Nottingham, England.

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